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install wordpress tutorial

Wordpress is by far the most popular and used CMS and blogging script worldwide; millions of sites around the world run on this script and, with my tutorial, your site will be among them.

For this tutorial, it's a given that your host provided you with your own cPanel with Softaculous Installer - 90% of the hosts uses cPanel, so it's not hard to get one; if you have that, go on reading.

First thing first, login into your cPanel with the username and password your host gave you - cPanel url is generally located at, but it can also be https::// or https:://; the login page should show something like this.

Insert the required data, and you should see a page similar to the one below; that is the main page of cPanel.

Scroll the page until you find the section called Software and Services, and click on the Softaculous icon - you can see how the icon looks like in the screenshot below.

Once you've launched Softaculous, you'll see the page below; Wordpress is among the first scripts shown. Just click on the popup Install button.

This is the real wordpress installation page; just fill all the field.

Once all the required fields are complete, just hit the Install button you find on the bottom of page - and for security reasons have the installation details sent to your email - and you're done. Wordpress has been safely and quickly installed, and you should have received the email with the installation details. Happy blogging. ^.^

P.S. :: I didn't hit the install button, because I didn't want to install Wordpress; personally, I find it too heavy, convoluted and with too many features that average users will most likely never use.

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