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June 18, 2024
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January 02, 2024
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October 01, 2018
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installing fonts on Mac

Mac's OS is hard for those approaching it from Windows; lots of commands are different and people might find hard to navigate through it and do simple tasks, like changing their desktop background and installing fonts.
This tutorial is gonna cover this last aspect, meaning I will show you how to install free fonts on your brand new Mac or iMac computer.

First of all download one or more fonts from some free archive (i.e. daFont, UrbanFonts, MyFonts, etc.) - for the tutorial, I'm gonna use this font called Drakoheart; download the font/s from the page using the download button visible on the right of the font, as shown in the image.

The zip archives will be automatically downloaded to your Downloads folder, but you can safely download your fonts to your Mac desktop or anywhere you want; I personally tend to download to my desktop, because they're immediately visible and so easier to find. When on your desktop, the zip archive will look like this.

To open the zip, just double-click it; the result will be like this.

If you downloaded a single font, just double-click on the font file and, when it opens, simply click Install Font and the font will be installed automatically; if you downloaded two or more fonts, follow the next steps for a quicker way to install all the fonts in one go.
Select Go from the Mac's top menu (the top bar with the apple on the left), and click on Computer; then choose your hard-disk (normally, it's called Macintosh HD), the Library folder, and last the Fonts folder.

Once you've opened in the Fonts folder (that isn't so different from the Windows folder), just select all the fonts on your desktop and drag them to the Fonts folder; you're done, your new fonts were safely installed on your Mac!
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