
Welcome to Sasha's gfx corner Skyrose, here to provide quality resources since May 2014; take a look, read the Terms, grab whatever you like and enjoy. <3


June 18, 2024
♥ v28 layout
♥ 4 textures
♥ 4 gradients
♥ 12 colors

January 02, 2024
♥ v27 layout
♥ 8 backgrounds/patterns
♥ 8 textures
♥ 6 gradients
♥ 2 banners
♥ 4 colors
♥ misc. tuts changes

November 11, 2023
♥ v26 layout
♥ 40 colors
♥ colors revamp

September 25, 2023
♥ v25 layout

April 14, 2020
♥ v24 layout
♥ 12 textures
♥ 4 gradients
♥ 2 banners
♥ 4 colors

October 01, 2018
♥ v23 layout (Halloween theme!)


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How to shut down a frozen program

Have you ever been stuck because a program has stopped working, its window frozen and the program won't close? To me it happened several times on both Windows and Mac; it's annoying, but it's easily solved. All you have to do is click on a combination of three keyboard buttons, select the program you want to close in the tab that pops up and click on OK....but let me be a bit more specific. xD

Terminate process on Windows

For Windows, the buttons combination is CTRL+ALT+DEL - to be used at the same time; this combo will open Windows' Task Manager, where you will see a list of all the programs that are currently open and in use. Select the program you want to close and click on Terminate process; you'll notice the frozen program's windows will be shut down. All you have to do is restart the program, and you'll be able to continue your work.

Force quit a program on Mac

The buttons combo for macOS is CMD+ALT+ESC - again, to be clicked at the same time; it will open the Force Quit Applications tab, where you have the list of all the currently open apps. Click on the app you want to close and click on Force Quit; the app will be shut down - you will no longer see the small "open program" indicator dot below the program's dock icon - and you will just have to reopen the app to keep working.

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